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Frequently Asked Questions


Our online catalogue is open 24/7- happy shopping!

Our office is open 9 am – 5 pm AEST, Monday to Friday; and available by phone 02 8594 3600.
Live chat is available 9am – 5 pm AEST, Monday to Friday (blue chat bubble at the bottom of the website)

Financial donations are the best way to support us.
You can also follow us on social media and tell all your friends about us.

For more information on membership see the FAQ below for charities and schools. 

Or sign up here.

For more information on membership see the FAQ below for charities and schools. 

Or sign up here.

Good360 delivers goods directly to NFPs and eligible schools to deliver to communities in their local area to help Australians who need them most. Please contact your local not-for-profit or school who are supporting people in the area you live in.

If you are a business with brand-new goods you would like to donate, please email with your contact details and a short description of the goods you would like to donate. One of our Partnership Team will be in touch. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept small donations of goods from individuals or second-hand items at this time.

If you have used or new Laptops you would like to donate, please email with your contact details and a short description of the goods, you would like to donate. 

You can see the specific Digital Divide FAQ below for further information about this program.

We collaborate with great organisations who are working towards our goal that nothing useful lies unused.

We have listed them here:

Yes please!

Your donation helps us lift Australian communities. Your donation will be used to help get goods out to the wider community in need. Every $1 you donate has a multiplier of $20 of goodness to help Australians in need.

You can donate here.

Do you believe that every individual should make a social impact in the community they live and work? Does your employer encourage teamwork and volunteering?

Then now is the time to gather your work colleagues to do something rewarding and memorable. For more information, email

Charity & Schools

Good360 membership is FREE for NFPs, and schools and the goods are FREE. Best of all: because it’s spare stock, members just pay a small shipping and handling cost.

In return, we ask for Impact Stories about the goods you have accessed from Good360. This helps us demonstrate to our wonderful donors the good their donations create within the community.

Membership is FREE. The goods are FREE, you just pay a small shipping and handling cost.

We charge a small shipping & handling fee, sometimes our business partners will sponsor the shipping and or handling fee so we can give the goods to you at no cost.

When you order your goods, the cost will be clearly displayed at checkout. You can add goods to the shopping cart as a guest and enter your postcode to calculate an estimated fee to deliver to your door.

Testimonial– Hawkesbury Helping Hands

Woo Hoo!! We love Good360 Australia, it is amazing!! We just placed another order

We just now ordered 8,000 foil trays and lids, yep you read that right, 8,000, for a cost of a $60 handling fee, we opted to pick up, saving money wherever and whenever we can (it’s a little more for delivery).

We use a lot of takeaway containers weekly and would have liked to use more, but it proved to be quite costly. Now we can. These are going to last us a while and save lots and lots of money, which we can use elsewhere.

Not for Profits and schools are eligible for FREE membership.

NFPs must be registered with the Australian Charities and Not For Profits Commission (ACNC). If you are not registered with the ACNC, please contact them to discuss registering your organisation.

Schools with an ICSEA value below 1000 are eligible for membership. Schools can confirm their ICSEA score on the My School website.

As a member of Good360, you will be able to select the brand-new goods you need for your program services, which have been donated by leading Australian brands and retailers – there in no membership fee to join. Goods including nappies and toys for domestic violence shelters, notebooks for schools, clothing and toiletries for residential centres, make-up for teens and women experiencing hardship and much more. Best of all, because it’s spare stock, you just pay a small shipping and handling cost.

Learn more:

  • No membership fee to join
  • Save money, just pay a small shipping & handling cost
  • Greater impact with your programs
  • Quality new goods delivered to your door
  • Increase community engagement
  • Easy to select the goods you need
  • Save time with 24/7 online ordering

 Not for Profits & schools must commit to:

1.Giving the goods to people in need within Australia for free or using them to further their programs.

2.Not selling, trading, transferring, or bartering the goods for financial gain.

3.Not using the goods to fundraise for their organisations.

4.Storing the goods at a business location and not transferring the goods to another school or Not for Profit without Good360’s prior approval.

Once you have registered online you will receive an email to confirm registration within one business day.


No, they cannot. All goods that are supplied to you by Good360 are to support communities within Australia.


Yes, we run several promotions each year sponsored by our partners, giving our members discounts and credits.

To be eligible for any promotions or campaigns you must have placed one order and submitted an approved Impact Story.

We suggest making sure you are signed up to receive our member newsletters to ensure you don’t miss out on any promotions.


Good360 aims to match the right goods with the right people at the right time. In order to maximise our impact across Australia, it is our goal to service every ACNC-registered charity and every school with an ICSEA ranking of <1,000.

The goods are free. Some orders will have a small Handling Fee applied depending on the size of your organisation and the specific goods being ordered.

Our current model works by providing most goods with no Handling Fee to smaller charities (less than $1m in annual income) and schools with an ICSEA ranking < 1,000. For larger charities, there is a sliding scale ‘Fee for Service’ model to help Good360 cover our handling costs. Charities with annual income between $1-5M (based on ACNC data) will pay 2.5% of the order’s recommended retail price (RRP). Larger charities with annual income over $5M are eligible for certain additional benefits and will pay 5% of the order’s RRP.

We rely on annual income information that is available on the ACNC website.Good360 is continually working to keep our handling costs low and efficiency high for the greatest benefit to our members.

All members are charged for Shipping based on the volume of orders and distance for delivery. We work with transport companies around Australia to keep costs as low as possible for members.

Small charities (less than $1m in annual revenue based on ACNC data) and schools with an ICSEA ranking < 1000 will not be charged Handling, however Shipping charges will be passed on at cost.

Further to this, some items that we source from product donors will have no associated costs for all members. In some instances, product donors will cover the Shipping & Handling costs for our members and in others, Good360 will raise funds on behalf of members so that there are no charges involved.

On occasion, we will source items that need to be moved fast and may communicate these special offers to members throughout the year as they arise.


Click here to learn more about the differences in member levels and to apply. The Good360 team will contact you after your application has been reviewed.

Our primary communication channel is email, so please ensure that the right people within your organisation are listed with us and that we have their email addresses. If our emails end up in your junk/spam folder, then please add us to your Safe Sender list.

Our Customer Success Team is always happy to hear from our members, so if you have any special requests then simply call 02 8594 3600 or email us at contact.  You can also ask us a quick question on Live Chat.

We also promote our special offers and new arrivals on social media please follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram.

A Community Redistribution Partner is eligible to some of our Momentum members who meet a set criteria. It allows the member to redistribute goods outside of their Organisation to other charities or schools.

A member must apply to become a CRP and comply with the reporting requirements. Please contact the Customer Success Team at 028594 3600 or here if you wish to apply.

Yes, all Good360 members are required to have goods delivered to their Organisation’s business address. You can check your Organisation’s address by logging into your dashboard and clicking ‘Organisation’ on the left-hand menu tab. We understand for some of our members this is sensitive information or not practical – please contact our team for a confidential discussion. Contact us on 028594 3600 or at

A Foundation member can place one order (up to 3 cartons) with Free Shipping & Handling, to trial membership with Good360 Australia. We will then send you an email and request you complete an Impact Story. Once your Impact Story has been approved, the Customer Success Team will be in contact with you to upgrade your membership to Advantage. For further questions regarding your account contact us on 028594 3600 or at

The 20-carton limit per month allows our Advantage members to secure a large number of goods. If you need a higher monthly limit, you may be eligible to become a Momentum member. To check the criteria and apply for Momentum membership which provides an increased limit – learn more here.


You may wish to delete old users that no longer work for your organisation or no longer need access to your Good360 account. The Administrator can delete users by logging into their Dashboard, navigating to the ‘Users’ tab and clicking ‘Remove user’ under the relevant user’s name.

If you wish to change the Administrator of your account, please contact the Good360 Customer Success Team on 02 8594 3600 during Mon – Fri 9 – 5pm AEST or email

 Please give a brief explanation of why your Administrator needs to be amended (e.g. they have left the organisation or are no longer the best contact)

There are 3 user roles: Administrator, User and Viewer.

Roles and access can be changed by the Administrator user of the account.

An Administrator has full control of the account, including the ability to create and checkout orders, view order history, create impact stories, and modify user access and other details associated with the account.

A User can create and checkout orders, view order history, create impact stories, add needs and modify certain account data.

A Viewer of the account has limited access and can only view order history.

The Administrator user of the account can amend user roles by navigating to the ‘Users’ tab of their Dashboard. Simply click on a user’s name and use the dropdown menu under the heading ‘Please select user type’ to select their new role. There are 3 user roles: Administrator, User and Viewer.

Go to your Dashboard. Select Transaction Tab. Choose your Order Number, Print

Go to your Dashboard. Select the Tab – Users. Select Update Details. Tick Change Password – Update with new details. Save & Close.

Go to your Dashboard. Select the Tab you wish to edit. Edit details – name & phone number etc. Save & Close. Remember only the Administrator User can change the Organisations details.

To change your address, email and include proof of address documentation or screenshot your google business listing with your organisation name against the address or your webpage.

The Administrator user of the account can add additional users by navigating to the ‘Users’ tab of their Dashboard and selecting ‘Add a user’. Ensure that the user information is entered and a user account role is assigned, then click ‘Save and close’.

New users can also go through the registration process themselves. During new member registration our system will identify if an account already exists for the nominated organisation and will add the user to this existing account. The Administrator of the account will be notified that a new user is requesting access and will need to approve the new user via their Dashboard. (delete doesn’t work)

Yes, please, it will only take a few minutes of your time and it will help us customise your experience. We can then ensure we are matching our donated goods with your needs.

You can purchase a Good360 store credit to use to order goods. A store credit allows other users in your organisation the convenience of ordering without the need to have access to a credit card or Paypal account. It’s also a way to use up some spare budget at the end of your financial year so you can better support your next year.

You can purchase store credit by going to your Dashboard, at the bottom of the Dashboard below the map is the option to Buy more credit, select this.

 If your organisation has store credit, it will be visible on your Dashboard. To use it you just need to tick the Store Credit box at checkout. If the credit was not sufficient to cover the cost of shipping & handling, you will be asked to pay the difference by credit card/Paypal.

Impact stories are our currency for demonstrating to donors the good their donation created in the community.

It is also your opportunity to tell the donors how the goods donated to your organisation have impacted your community.

It is very important to include photos and videos. Impact Stories are promoted on our website, social media, annual report and in the media. It is an opportunity to put your cause and the great work you are doing in front of the media while showcasing our donors including LEGO, BIG W and Harvey Norman. 

It is really quite simple, share your story about how the goods are helping your community and changing lives. We have created these videos to help you. Go to your Dashboard, select Impact Stories, choose the order you wish to create an Impact Story for and then select Create Impact Story. Impact Stories are approved by Good360 prior to being published.

Once completed and approved by Good360, an impact story can be shared on a website or blog by clicking on ‘Share this Story’ on the impact story detail page. This will give you an embedded link so that you can add the impact story widget to your website or blog.

Easy, log in to your Dashboard and you will see an Infographic that displays the total money you have spent, the value of goods you have received, the number of orders you have placed and the number of goods you have received. A quick impact measurement on your dashboard.


You can access brand-new goods from hundreds of businesses including LEGO, BIG W, Harvey Norman, WINC, and  Woolworths. We have brand new non-perishable goods including toys, clothes, toiletries, office supplies and homewares.

Mostly, but it is important to read the product description, we will note if the image is representative of the style/colour etc. Often, we receive goods in bulk, of many colours/sizes and there may be only one image of the many varieties available so it is important to read the detail.

Once you’ve placed your order, you will be given an order confirmation message that will contain your order number. This information will also be emailed to you. This can take up to 30 minutes to arrive in your inbox. You will receive a second email to let you know your order has been shipped once our team at the warehouse have processed your order.

To ensure that these emails go into your inbox successfully please add to your contacts. If you cannot find your emails, make sure to check your Junk/Spam folder. If you have still not received your order confirmation email, please contact us.

Yes, please choose the Click & Collect option at the checkout. If you choose Click & Collect you need to collect your order from our Redistribution Centre in Smithfield, NSW (Western Sydney).

We accept credit card payments from Visa, MasterCard, American Express, as well as payments through PayPal & Store Credit.

The RRP is supplied to us by the product donor.

You can always email the Customer Success Team, with your product needs. Good360 uses this information to approach product donor companies for additional product donations.

Our goods come from many different brands and retailers. The detail of each item is listed in the product description. Please read the description carefully as they vary from brand to brand.

If you are concerned, we would also recommend checking out the size guide the brand may have on its own website for clarification.

A few things that will help:

  • All goods are in multiple quantities; you will see for example ‘Quantity per unit. 6 per box.’ Take the time to read this or you may end up with more than you expected.
  • Some images are representative of the items. Please read the descriptions carefully to understand what product is on offer.
  • Once you find a product you like, select ‘add to cart’.
  • If you want to know how much it will cost to Deliver to Door or Click & Collect, proceed to checkout, and choose the shipping method. The Total is the amount you are expected to pay for the shipping and/or handling. The RRP, on the other hand, doesn’t cost you anything and shows the value of the product you are receiving for free.
  • Once you’re satisfied with your shopping cart you can proceed to the payment and delivery options.
  • Please make sure you read our T&C’s before attempting to make a purchase; it is very important they are adhered to.

We believe in a model of collaboration, not replication. There are many great charities that are already providing food relief in Australia.

We recommend you contact:

  • Oz Harvest
  • FoodBank
  • Secondbite

Good360 do not allow cancelations for change of mind.

If you believe special consideration should be given please call the Customer Success Team immediately on 02 8594 3600.

Any refunds granted will be in the form of a store credit.

Good360 do not allow order modifications.

If you believe special consideration should be given please call the Customer Success Team immediately on 02 8594 3600.

Any refunds required will be in the form of a store credit.

You can chat online to our Customer Success Team by clicking the blue chat box on the bottom right-hand corner of our website or phone our friendly Team on 02 8594 3600.

Looks like this item was very popular and is now out of stock.

Our product partners donate brand-new goods, and we cannot predict when or if they will come back in stock – we recommend if you receive our newsletter, and you need the item please act quickly.

If that item was absolutely perfect for you, please go to your Dashboard and add it to your Product Needs tab.

Goods placed in the shopping cart are NOT reserved until you have placed the order by checking out.

For most goods, there is no limit on the number of items you can purchase, within reasonable use for your size NFP or school. However, for some goods, where we’ve secured a limited number of goods and want to make them available to as many members as possible, we may place a limit on the number of items you can buy.

Please be sure to review each donation carefully for any eligibility restrictions.

If you are an Advantage Member there is a box limit of 20 cartons per month and 50 cartons per month for Momentum.

Some goods are restricted. If you place one of these goods into your cart you will be asked some additional questions to see if your NFP or school is suitable to receive this donation. i.e. do you work with children, if they are toys.

Based on this assessment you will be asked to continue to checkout or remove these goods from the cart.

Good360 provides goods in a minimum of a box.

You will see the number of units, this is how many individual items are included each time you add x1 quantity to your cart. If an item is sold by the pallet, this will be clearly labelled. Please read this information carefully. You then add the quantity (box, pallet, or truckload) you would like to the cart.

Yes, you can promote them to your community via local advertising, but you cannot sell them.

Delivery Methods


There are 6 ways you can get goods from Good360:

  • Delivery via Startrack or other freight company – when you are checking out with your shopping cart, the website will calculate the amount based on your location. You will be notified via text when the order is arriving. If you are not available to accept the order, you may incur a second delivery fee charge.
  • Delivery via DHL/ Cochranes & Northline – if you are ordering via the pallet, we will deliver free of charge using our freight companies to selected postcodes. Click here to see if your postcode qualifies. Check your postcode.
  • Click & Collect – many of our goods are available to collect directly from the Good360 ReDistribution Centre, located in Smithfield, Western Sydney. If you are located in driving distance or willing to send your own courier to collect you can select this option at checkout where available. See additional FAQ about Click & Collect.
  • Pick up from the donor – some goods are for collection from the donor. The Customer Success Team will coordinate the day and time for you to collect the goods. If you cannot make this time and do not notify Good360, the goods may be made available for other charities to order via the website. You will not be refunded the handling fee if you choose not to pick up your goods.
  • Drop Ship – some goods will be delivered to your door by the donor.  The Customer Success Team will coordinate the day and time for the donor to deliver the goods. If they cannot deliver the goods because no one is available to accept the delivery, the goods may be made available for other charities to order via the website. You will not be refunded the handling fee if the goods cannot be delivered.
  • Local Store Pick-up – Good360 has partnered with retail stores such as Big W and Best & Less for donations throughout the year. When you are matched to a store you will either be advised of a day to collect the goods or asked to coordinate with the store manager a suitable collection date and time. If you cannot make this time and do not notify Good360, the goods may be made available for other charities to order via the website. You will not be refunded the handling fee if you choose not to pick up your goods.

Deliveries must be signed for upon arrival. However, you may choose to have the parcel left unattended at your delivery address or sent to your local post office for you to collect later. Depending on the delivery company, you may receive a text advising when the delivery will occur.

Goods are usually delivered within 10 business days. If your order does not arrive within this time, please call the friendly Customer Success team on 02 8594 3600 or email

Standard orders are sent by StarTrack courier delivery. Our delivery fee will vary according to your location. You can add goods to your cart as a guest and calculate your costs.

If you are ordering by the pallet, free delivery is available to specific postcodes around Australia.  Click here to find out if your postcode qualifies, or for assistance contact our friendly Customer Success Team via email,, LiveChat through our website or call 02 8594 3600  

Yes, we are an online service. This means you can access the catalogue online 24/7 every day of the year and we deliver to every postcode Australia. We also offer Click & Collect from our Redistribution Centre in Smithfield, NSW. (Western Sydney) and we also offer Local Store Donation Program –you can pick up goods from our Retail Partners stores (Nationally), please search for partners who have goods available in your local area.

No. Deliveries need to go to business addresses.

No. Our deliveries will take place between 9am -5pm AEST, Monday to Friday.

Click & Collect

The address is:

Unit 4/364-384 Woodpark Rd, Smithfield NSW 2164

When you arrive, please park in one of the Good360 parking spots outside the warehouse and make yourself known to the warehouse duty manager at the Click and Collect area. You will need to present some ID and a printout or copy of your order on your phone to ensure you receive the correct goods. You will then be instructed on where to move your vehicle in order to safely load your goods.

Click and Collect orders are only available at out Redistribution Centre – Unit 4, 364-368 Woodpark Road, Smithfield.  

Click & Collect helps reduce your costs by allowing you to pick up from our Redistribution Centre in Western Sydney. If you have a suitable vehicle and someone to collect the goods this is a great way to save even more money.

 If you can’t pick up the goods on the booked date, please advise Customer Success on 02 8594 3600 and they will book in another date for you.  If you do not advise Customer Success, then the goods may be returned to the shelves and made available for other charities to order via the website. You will not be refunded the handling fee if you choose not to pick up your goods.


Good360 cannot take any responsibility for items that are damaged after you have picked them up from our Redistribution Centre.

There will be Good360 team members and equipment available to help load your goods into your vehicle.

The Good360 Redistribution Centre’s collection hours are between 9am-3pm AEST, Monday to Wednesday and 9am-1pm AEST Thursday to Friday.

Our website provides you with an indication of the vehicle size required to collect your order. Please use this as a guide. Please check the product description of the goods when ordering; this will provide the dimensions of each box.

If you can’t fit all the goods into your vehicle, you can arrange another pickup time with our Click and Collect Supervisor whilst you are there. Failure to pick up the goods at this arranged time will result in the goods being returned to the warehouse shelves, available for other charities to order via the website.

You will not be refunded the handling fee if you choose not to pick up your goods.

Pallets and Bulk Shipping

A pallet SKU ordered from Good360’s ReDistribution centre will always be a standard Australian pallet size of 1.165m x 1.165m and our pallets are always 1.2m or less (including the pallet itself). This handy video may help you visualise what that looks like in reality.

Please note: these dimensions may differ for pallets shipped directly from our donor partners, please check the product descriptions for further details.

If you are receiving a pallet as part of the Partner Pallet Network, or via a quoted logistics provider, you will receive your delivery as a pallet. That is; cartons stacked and wrapped securely on a timber pallet.

Your delivery driver will deliver your pallet(s) via a truck with a tailgate. This allows the driver to unload the whole pallet onto the nearest hard flat surface. From there you may choose to use your own forklift or pallet jack to move. Alternatively, you may choose to hand unload the pallet from there. Grass is not an acceptable hard surface. Surfaces onto which pallets are unloaded must be concrete (eg. a driveway) or a similar type of material.

Please Note: For safety and operational reasons, the driver will not:

  • Drop a pallet onto the street,
  • Allow hand unloading directly from the truck itself
  • Hand unload for you from the truck if you cannot accept a pallet delivery.


It is also not the delivery driver’s responsibility to help you move your pallet from the unloading point into your storage facility.

No, you do not need a warehouse, forklift, or pallet jack to order pallets from Good360.

Warehouses: You simply need room to store the items you order, you can see how much space a pallet of product might take up thanks to this handy video.

Forklifts and pallet jacks: Our transport partners, in the Partner Pallet Network, deliver via a tailgate service. This means they will unload the pallet from where they park onto a flat surface nearby. You and your team can choose to hand-unload the pallet into your storage area from there.

Just ensure you have the capacity to store (and distribute in a timely manner) the number of boxes included in the pallet. Another consideration before placing any pallet order is whether a large delivery vehicle will be able to access your street/ building.

Any futile delivery charges, irrespective of whether you are not there to accept delivery or cannot accommodate the vehicle type based on your ordered volume will be charged back to you.

If ordering a pallet of goods you must keep the pallet after delivery, ie. the delivery driver will not keep it or take it away with them.

Several different companies offer both free and fee-based collection of unwanted pallets. Some examples who operate nationally are PalleCo and Top Pallets. We also recommend Googling “where to swap or sell pallets near me” as there may be organisations willing to buy your unwanted pallets.

Your local council may also offer collection services or have an available recycling centre where you can take unwanted timber pallets. 

You can also try to donate them into your community via Facebook Marketplace or notice boards. Many people like to use either the whole pallet or timber parts to make vertical gardens, furniture and the like. 

Good360 is very lucky to have some wonderful freight partners including DHL, Northline, Cochranes, Centurion and TasFreight to deliver goods by pallet to areas across Australia, either for free or at a reduced cost. 

If your shipping postcode falls within the areas our partner’s service on our behalf, you are considered part of Good360’s Pallet Partner Network. This means we can offer free, or reduced fee shipping of products by the pallet.

You can easily see if you are in the Pallet Partner Network through the below badge, which will appear both on your dashboard and on eligible pallet products.

Currently, we are limited in offering pallets to postcodes that our logistics partners can service and the included and excluded postcodes are reflective of this.

We are of course always striving to broaden the included areas, by expanding our existing partnerships and creating new relationships, and aim to continue to add to the included postcodes until every corner of Australia is covered.

If you are currently located outside of our Partner Pallet Network there are four options if you wish to purchase pallets from Good360:

If you are within driving distance of our RDC in Smithfield NSW you can select the delivery method of Click & Collect at checkout and collect the goods directly yourself. NOTE: You do not need to collect by the pallet. As long as your vehicle is large enough to receive all cartons you may wish to hand load. You will, however, need to load all cartons by yourself when collecting as our team will be unable to assist.

  1. If you have your own courier company that you work with, you can order a pallet with the delivery method of Click & Collect – and arrange for your own freight service to collect the goods (at your own expense) from the Good360 RDC in Smithfield NSW. All pallets are under 1.2m high (including pallet height) and the weight of the pallet is listed at the bottom of each product description.


  2. You can still checkout with Deliver to Door (delivery to your registered shipping address) in most cases. If this method is selected there may be a cost associated with the shipping. This cost will be quoted to you at the time of checkout and added to your total order cost, due for payment at the time of checkout, along with any handling fees. If this method is selected your items will be sent via Startrack (Australia Post) as individual cartons as opposed to one pallet, the number of cartons is specified at the bottom of the product description.


  3. You can contact our Customer Success team via phone or live chat (within business hours) and they can obtain a pallet shipping quote from one of our logistics partners. In some instances, this may be a more cost-effective option than (3) via StarTrack.


Good360 does not extend refunds on shipping & handling unless we have been unable to supply the goods.

If the goods that you have received are damaged or are missing parts, please email us including a description of the damage and photos to our Customer Success Team,

After review, if the goods are damaged or faulty, we will issue a store credit. We request that the goods are not returned to Good360. We will work with you to arrange suitable disposal.

We’re sorry to hear that you’ve received an incorrect, damaged, or faulty item. Please document it in writing with photos and submit it to our team via email or phone our friendly Customer Success Team on 02 8594 3600.

No, we do not offer exchanges.

Local Store Donation Program

While most donations will be surplus stock, both types of donations are accepted. If the donor is unable to take steps to assure the quality of the donation however then we will more than likely ship the goods to one of our Community Redistribution Partners. There they can determine the quality of the donation and the best way to use it.

This varies between donor and donation. Sometimes the store will nominate the collection day and time, and for some donations, you will liaise with the store manager to determine the collection day. Good360 will advise you at the time of ordering what you need to do. The store will have the stock ready for you to pick up on your nominated day at either their loading dock or in-store. We provide more information in the Not-for-Profit Handbook.

You may only take goods that are offered to you by the store manager. It isn’t appropriate to request more or specific items.

Members are restricted to 1 store per pickup round unless advised otherwise.

Your organisation must take all items that have been processed by your store for donation. If you should receive significant amounts of products that are missing parts or are damaged, please contact our team by clicking the blue Chat Box on the bottom right-hand corner of our website or phone our friendly Customer Success Team on 02 8594 3600.

If you receive items that your organisation is unable to utilise, you may share them with another Not For Profit. However, you must obtain written permission from Good360 to do so. Be prepared to submit a detailed inventory of the goods you wish to donate as well as the ABN of the receiving organisation.

Goods donated to you through the LSDP are subject to the same terms and conditions as to goods obtained through our online catalogue. These means you cannot sell them in any way and all goods must go to Australians most in need. Be sure all employees and clients are aware of Good360’s restrictions and policies. A full list of what you can and cannot do with donated goods can be found here.

The Local store cost is usually free but dependent on the retailer and volume of goods available. When you find an available store in your area, the cost and the location will be listed on our catalogue.

Every store has a different inventory and a different level of success in sales. Goods given to a matched Not for Profit will vary from brand to brand and store to store. We will try to give a broad indication of the quantity and types of goods available on our online store, but we cannot guarantee that you will receive specific items and specific quantities.

Sometimes we will ask you to nominate categories of goods that you would like to receive (for example clothing, footwear, toys, beauty) and we will request that the store prioritises this type of goods for you.

No, you will need to pick up the goods from your matched Local Store. You should discuss the size of available product donations with the store manager in advance so you will know what type of vehicle to take to the pickup store.

All Not For Profits and schools with an active Good360 membership can participate. If you are not a current Good360 member, register now. More information about the LSDP and the benefits of participating can be found in our Local Store Donation Handbook.

Your donations will consist of nearly anything you will find at your retailers’ store. Most goods will be in a new, useable condition that was overstock, clearance merchandise or seasonal items. You may also receive some buyback and returned merchandise. You may receive some fixable items that may need to be laundered and/or repaired before they can be used although we try to avoid these items being included in your donations.

For one-time pickups, you will only go to the store once (unless your store manager has agreed to allow you to make numerous trips to collect all product available – please ask in advance. Be aware that stores generally do not have space to store donations for long periods of time.

Please send an email documenting your issues and/or challenges to referencing the store name and number in the subject line or call 02 8594 3600 (9am-5pm AEST, Monday to Friday). We are here to help make your partnership a valuable aspect of your organisation’s mission.

Store employees often have a high turnover rate and may not be familiar with the program. Good360 will contact the corporate office and attempt to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

You can chat online to our team by clicking the blue chat box button on the bottom right-hand corner of our website or phone our friendly Customer Success Team on 02 8594 3600.

Corporate Partnerships

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit,sed do eiusm por incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vitae, eleifend acer sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, ridiculus mus. sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit,sed do eiusm por incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vitae, eleifend acer sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, ridiculus mus. sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit,sed do eiusm por incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vitae, eleifend acer sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, ridiculus mus. sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit,sed do eiusm por incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vitae, eleifend acer sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, ridiculus mus. sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit,sed do eiusm por incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vitae, eleifend acer sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, ridiculus mus. sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit,sed do eiusm por incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vitae, eleifend acer sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, ridiculus mus. sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit,sed do eiusm por incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vitae, eleifend acer sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, ridiculus mus. sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit,sed do eiusm por incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vitae, eleifend acer sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, ridiculus mus. sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit,sed do eiusm por incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vitae, eleifend acer sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, ridiculus mus. sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit,sed do eiusm por incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vitae, eleifend acer sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, ridiculus mus. sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque consequat massa quis enim.

Digital Divide

Donate Computers

We have a national network of certified refurbishment partners, once we know your location we can advise the partner who you can deliver your devices to or we can arrange pick up if required.

We can provide the data destruction, hygiene clean, test and tag, delivery and matching to a person in need at a heavily reduced cost of $100 per device.

We ask that you contribute towards these costs so we can provide them to the recipient at no cost. There are two funding options

  • $100 provides device only
  • $150 provides device + 12mth data

Any brand laptops less than 5 years old in good working condition. We are prioritising these devices based on the demand from our charity and school network.

Good360 takes security very seriously. The devices we collect go through a secure and compliant data erasure process that complies with data protection regulations. All devices undergo standard certified data erasure using Blanco on assets’ hard drives. Good360 can provide certificates of data destruction if required.

Our refurbishment partners are a national network of experts who work with clients including DELL, HP, Lenovo, Logitech, Microsoft, NSW Government Education & Communities, Hootsuite & ZIP.

Need Computers

Eligible charities and disadvantaged schools can register their interest to participate in the Laptop Launchpad program as recipients here.

  • NFP’s must be registered with the Australian Charities and Not For Profits Commission (ACNC). 
  • Schools with an ICSEA value below 1000 are eligible for membership. Schools can confirm their ICSEA score on the myschool website.

There is no cost to participate, Good360 believes the devices must be donated at NO COST to the 1 in 4 Australians who are digitally excluded.

We are seeking the cost to run this program by fundraising, you are welcome to share our campaign.

This program is heavily subscribed, please register your interest and we will advise how many devices you are eligible for.

We do not donate directly to individuals; we ask that you use this link to search for an organisation in your local area and speak with them about joining our program

Good360 understands that in order to be truly useful, many people will also require access to

  1. data
  2. software
  3. training

We are providing packages that will give you the option to add what is needed for each of your clients.