Good360 Australia | Transforming Surplus into Substance

Good360 Australia Founder & MD Alison Covington AM was featured on the Sustainable Transformation podcast with Sustainabilitytracker Founder & CEO Kiarne Treacy.
People of Impact: The Podcast – Episode 1 with Alison Covington AM from Good360 Australia

Our Founder & MD Alison Covington AM was featured in the inaugural episode of Impact Advising’s podcast, People of Impact.
Good360 helps families to keep warm as temperatures drop and energy bills soar

Media CoverageSBS News; May 27, 2023 One Sydney charity is doing what it can to help families who struggle to keep warm as winter sets in and energy becomes more expensive. Listen to the podcast over at SBS News. Learn more about Good360’s work during the cost of living crisis here.
Spotlight Sydney Podcast

This week, Alison Covington, Founder and MD of Good360 Australia spoke with Jim and Darryn from the Spotlight Sydney Podcast about the work of Good360 Australia and how it provides a marketplace connecting businesses/suppliers with charities, allowing for the use of unsold/surplus goods which may otherwise go to waste. Alison shares how Good360 will handle […]
Alison Covington : The Politics of Everything Podcast

Amber Daines recently interviewed our Founder Alison Covington on her podcast, The Politics of Everything, where they discussed the politics of Disaster Recovery. The Podcast Explores Alison’s career, the impact Good360 has had in disaster recovery and the complexity of giving during times of disaster. Get your headphones ready and have a listen. “A disaster […]
Cultivating Passions Podcast interview with Alison Covington

Alison Covington, Good360 Founder & MD was recently interviewed by Peter Rowland, Whitely award winning author and modern polymath in his Cultivating Passions podcast. In this series Peter chats to inspirational people who are shaping the future, making positive contributions and helping the world be better – Alison definitely fits the bill. To learn […]
Add to Cart Podcast – How BIG W did Good with Excess Goods

In this episode of Add To Cart, Good360 Founder & MD Alison Covington shares how retailers such as Big W, Harvey Norman and Lego have partnered with Good360 to make valuable contributions to their communities.