

Make Good Happen with Winc

Our good friends at Winc invited Good360 to their Community Expo last week. Helen (Charity Partnership Manager) and I (Mark Herman, Corporate Sales Manager) had a great time meeting the Winc staff and their other community partners. Winc (formerly Staples) was one of our founding donors, donating items like stationery, printing supplies and work gear. Our current members, Clontarf Foundation and Foodbank, were […]

PwC OnBoard – bringing skills to the boardroom table

More than 700 PwC staff and partners hold Not-for-profit Board and Advisory positions. PwC OnBoard is the first program of its kind in corporate Australia, connecting us to the not-for-profit and government sectors through board or advisory positions, and presenting our people the opportunity to grow as leaders (and people). PwC OnBoard Founder and PwC […]

Promotional Products – the Ninjas of Brand Marketing

Promotional Products – the Ninjas of Brand Marketing Article written by Lee Hanrahan, Director of Sales & Procurement, Red Energy Promotions.  Our clients are always asking us, ‘how do we cut through the clutter to reach our clients?’ The rapid growth of the internet has fragmented traditional advertising, making it tougher and tougher to get […]

Volunteer Profile – Lynne Edwards

When did you commence with Good360? June 2017  What is your role at Good360? I’m part of the Marketing and Communications team. My main responsibilities include Google AdWords development, analysis and optimizing and newsletter content development. Most recently I was helping set up the Shoes of Prey fundraising sale – I’ve never seen so many amazing shoes in my life!  Where do you call home? Sydney, NSW  Tell us a bit […]

LUSH for Deserving Women

Written by Good360 volunteer Robin Dougherty Walking around Sydney the other day I started to smell a beautiful perfume coming from one of the shops. It was LUSH, one of Australia’s best chain of shops selling the most delicious range of soaps, creams and lotions to make our bodies feel and look so much better. […]

A Good360 Time for Giving

Published on Probonoaustralia.com.au November 17, 2016 It’s time for giving and Good360 – which puts corporate product donations into the hands of Australians who need it – has raised $100,000 to help charities give over Christmas. What do you do when you have $5 million worth of donated retail product sitting in a warehouse that could be […]

Atlassian opts for ‘charity mixer’ to channel corporate volunteering efforts

Published on afr.com  August 20, 2016 by Misa Han Atlassian is giving employees five days of paid time off and organising face-to-face meet-ups over pizza and beer to match charities with employee volunteers. Every four months for the past two years, the tech company has hosted so-called “charity mixers” where a dozen charities pitch their problems […]

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In a world where genuine connections are increasingly precious, your efforts stand out. Together we can amplify the circle of good, and enrich the lives in your community.

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