Congratulations to our Member of the Month for February, The Bikers Hand. Having been a member since 2019, The Bikers Hand generously distributes donations to Good360 to other charitable organisations, creating a huge impact and spreading kindness to the people who need it most. Read below on how they operate, and how Good360 helps The Bikers Hand achieve their mission to support Australians in need.
When did you join Good360?
November 2019.
What programs do you use your Good360 donations for? Who does the program serve? How does it impact Australians in need?
We support 20 local charities in need from Newcastle to Campbelltown.
Our program serves organisations who support their local communities from people experiencing homelessness to domestic violence victims, to struggling families who are doing it tough.
The impact these donations have is a means of receiving items they would not normally have access too and being able to obtain them to help them survive.
What is your favourite moment/interaction that you have had with a client when utilising the Good360 product?
Seeing the smiles something as small as a pair of brand new shoes puts onto someone’s face makes what we do all worthwhile. We get so many amazing items from Good360 it is hard to choose just one interaction, but the smiles from the products is our favourite interactions and knowing we have helped them in their time of need.
One of our favourites was recently, when we made a trip to Lismore at the end of last year to deliver clothes, hygiene products, shoes, toys and so many other items all donated by Good360. We saw the relief on the faces at Resilience NSW, knowing that they had brand new products to share with their community.
Another favourite moment was the mother load of donations we received for our Condo Kids 2020 project, where we attended Condobolin and had a massive gathering. We invited so many from the community for a BBQ and handed out over 200 Christmas Hampers and hundreds of toys to kids who may not have otherwise received a gift for Christmas. All toys and clothes were donated by Good360.

How does Good360 help your mission?
Our Mission Statement is “Supporting Those in Need”.
Good360 is a major contributor to us being able to achieve our mission. We get so many fantastic and practical products from Good360 it allows us to share with people most in need and ensure these people have access to things they would not normally be able to afford as they are struggling.
What would happen if Good360 wasn’t here to help?
So many people would miss out on amazing products and would have to try to search for them by other means. Us having our alliances with other local charities means we can get these products to the grass roots level and ensure that so many in need and ones who need it most have access to them.
What is your favourite donation you have received from Good360? Why?
The recent motherload of shoes we just received. What a beyond words donation we received. 12 pallets of shoes from ladies and mens, to kids school shoes and sneakers.
This is one of our favourite donations because we know these shoes will mean so much to so many. The school shoes and sneakers were an essential item as so many families are struggling to put food on the table let alone shoes on their kids feet for school. The impact these shoes has had so far in just a few weeks has been phenomenal. The gratitude we have received from these local charities makes every minute we spend separating and sorting these pallets worth it.
How many lives have you impacted through Good360’s donations?
Thousands. We have been going for 3 years and literally at least 10,000 people have been impacted by these donations – from 1 hygiene pack we make to a pair of shoes we donate.
This is mind blowing and we are forever grateful for our partnership with Good360.

To learn more about The Bikers Hand, our Member of the Month, you can check out their website and their Facebook page.