

A Good360 Time for Giving

Published on Probonoaustralia.com.au November 17, 2016

It’s time for giving and Good360 – which puts corporate product donations into the hands of Australians who need it – has raised $100,000 to help charities give over Christmas. What do you do when you have $5 million worth of donated retail product sitting in a warehouse that could be in the hands of Australian charities and in the homes of Australians in need?

Just in time for Christmas, and in the true spirit of giving, Good360 rallied the troops and raised $100,000 in 24 hours to offer $400 free shipping to current and new member charities.

With the potential to turn the $400 free shipping into $4,000 to $6,000 in free product, the offer has been too good to miss. In less than a week, $1 million in product was ordered and processed, allowing charities and NFPs across Australia to give back to their volunteers (until 9 December), gift something special to someone in need or stock up on supplies that keep their offices and ventures running day to day.

Good360 Australia may be a relative newcomer to the not-for-profit space, but its innovative blueprint, incorporating corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies into its core values, and the ability to offer real solutions and opportunities for retailers, is getting the goods into the hands of Australians in need.

The Good360 website provides a one-stop shop for accessing non-perishable goods donated from some of Australia’s biggest brands, retailers and manufacturers including L’Oréal, Woolworths, 3M, Linen House and LUSH.

If you need it, they probably have it, and charities registered with Good360 are getting into the habit of checking the website before they look to more traditional sources to meet their product needs, stretching funding and fundraising further than ever before.

Australian charities or not-for-profit organisations can order the goods they want for free and have it delivered right to their door, with a nominal shipping and handling fee. Knowing that funds can be even tighter as we approach Christmas, the free shipping offer could not have been better timed and is available to current as well as new eligible charities and NFPs who register before 30 November.

Good360 founder Alison Covington is a problem solver, and the organisation is agile and willing to respond when the solution is in front of them.

“The 2016 launch of our Click and Collect initiative is a great example our versatility. It was in response to the needs of our member charities and the charity sector,” Covington said.

Click and Collect allows member charities to pick up the goods ordered from our Good360 warehouse in Sydney’s western suburbs.

Not content to mobilise the retail and charitable sector, the Good360 warehouse is managed by another problem solver and innovator Tom Sawkins (formerly at OzHarvest) who engages with the community at ground level – providing dozens of people with work experience through the Work for the Dole program.

Recognising that volunteering does not come free and that some volunteers were struggling to fund their lunch, Sawkins arranged for meal deliveries from his former employer to make sure energy was high enough to attend to the task at hand and creating good will in the process.

Good360 is breaking down the barriers between product donors, volunteers and charities by providing corporate engagement opportunities for some of Australia’s largest organisations such as Atlassian, EY, Staples, Deloitte, Salesforce and Goodman.

Despite the rush of orders in the first week, the cupboard is not yet bare and corporate volunteers are currently stuffing goodie bags designed for all ages that can be purchased on behalf of a charity or person in need over the Christmas period.

Available online here, the purchaser receives a certificate, which makes a perfect Kris Kringle gift, but with a conscience.

Good360 is closing the circle between corporations, charities and Australians in need and changing the face of giving, at Christmas and beyond.

For more information, or to register as a new member to receive free shipping and handling, visit Good360or call 02 8594 3600 and speak to the giving team.


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