

Alison Covington AM on ABC Sydney Breakfast with James Valentine

Media CoverageABC Sydney Breakfast; October 11, 2023 Good360 Founder & MD Alison Covington AM talked to James Valentine at ABC Sydney Breakfast about the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, calling on businesses and Australians to get involved in EveryOne Day. Read more and get involved in EveryOne Day here. Learn more about Good360 here.

Silent Australian crisis summed up by one photo inside a warehouse

Media Coveragenews.com.au; October 9, 2023 One photo of a warehouse has highlighted the devastating scale of a worsening “silent crisis” gripping Australia. Thousands of Aussies are only barely scraping by every day and have, more than ever, become reliant on charity providers like Good360. Founded by Alison Covington in 2015, the organisation works with businesses […]

Alison Covington AM on 2BS 95.1 FM

Media Coverage2BS 95.1 FM; October 9th, 2023 Good360 Australia Founder & MD Alison Covington AM was interviewed on 2BS NSW Central West about Good360’s work and our inaugural EveryOne Day campaign, aiming to provide brand-new essential goods to Australians suffering in the cost of living crisis. Read more and get involved in EveryOne Day here.

Cost of living crisis a ‘silent disaster’ as charities struggle with demand

Media CoverageACM; September 25, 2023 Charities are redirecting millions of dollars worth of unsold goods from landfill but need more support to deal with an unfolding “silent disaster”. Aussies are reining in spending during the cost of living crisis; buying less and leaving stock sitting on shelves. Good360, a charity that redirects unsold goods to […]

Charity fears environmental crisis due to unsold retail goods

Media CoverageThe Senior; September 16, 2023 The economic crisis could be giving rise to a new environmental crisis – an over abundance of unsold retail goods going to landfill. Good360 – a charity that delivers unsold consumer goods to other charities and disadvantaged schools, has seen a 20 per cent increase in the volume of […]

Retailers boost efforts to redirect unsold stock to those in need

Media CoverageInside Small Business; September 12, 2023 Good360 Australia says the volume of unsold products received from retailers has increased by 20 per cent over the past year as companies do more to ease consumers suffering from the cost-of-living crisis. These items, including clothing, homewares, appliances, toiletries, and toys, would have been discarded if Good360 […]

Rise in unsold consumer goods amid cost-of-living crisis

Media CoverageConvenience and Impulse Retailing; September 12, 2023 Charity organisation Good360 has received a 20 per cent increase in the volume of unsold goods from businesses over the past 12 months. The items received by Good360 include clothes, homewares, appliances, toiletries, and toys, that would otherwise have been sent to landfill or wasted sitting in […]

Good360: Redistributing unsold goods to help those in need

Media CoverageThe Wire; September 8, 2023 Mountains of unsold consumer goods are heading to landfill amid the cost-of-living crisis. According to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics data, household spending is down by 3.3 per cent in the last 12 months. However, much of that spending went towards rent and vehicle sales, where there have been […]

Charities are being overwhelmed by silent cost crisis: Good360

Media CoverageInside Retail; September 8, 2023 The nationwide impact of the rising cost of living has hit many parts of Australia. As recent ABS data shows, customers are almost universally shifting their spending habits, signalling difficult times for businesses and customers alike. As a result, tonnes of products which would otherwise have been sold are […]

Australian charity records 20% increase in donated unsold goods

Media CoverageRagtrader; September 8, 2023 New data released by Australian charity Good360 has recorded a 20% increase in the volume of unsold products received from businesses over the last 12 months. This amounts to nearly $110 million worth of unsold stock in total, including clothes, homewares, appliances, toiletries and toys, with the charity delivering them […]

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