

Silent Australian crisis summed up by one photo inside a warehouse

Media Coverage
news.com.au; October 9, 2023

One photo of a warehouse has highlighted the devastating scale of a worsening “silent crisis” gripping Australia.

Thousands of Aussies are only barely scraping by every day and have, more than ever, become reliant on charity providers like Good360.

Founded by Alison Covington in 2015, the organisation works with businesses like Big W and Harvey Norman to facilitate the donation of excess goods to charities across the country.

A spike in the need for essentials during the Covid pandemic, furthered by catastrophic flooding, was nothing on the current “silent crisis”, Ms Covington told news.com.au.

“We thought we were busy in Covid, we just blew out in terms of the support we had to provide, but it’s twice as much now in the cost of living crisis,” she said.

“We call it the silent crisis because you can’t see it. Nobody can see the pain of the cost of living crisis, so the charity sector is not being funded.”

Check out the full article over at news.com.au.

Read more about the EveryOne Day campaign here or learn more about Good360 here.


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