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Goods for the Greater Good

Published on July 12, 2016

Funding limitations have traditionally impacted on what goods charities and Not for Profits could obtain, but a new national survey is set to clarify the issue thanks to an innovative collaboration between HLB Mann Judd and Good360.

The two organisations have partnered to help understand which goods are most needed – launching a national survey asking charities and Not for Profits which goods they procure and which goods they need but aren’t able to purchase due to budget shortfalls.

This survey will provide greater understanding of the needs of charities and Not for Profits and will enable Good360 to procure non-perishable items that match their needs. Good360 supplies Australian Charities with freebrand new goods.

The results of the survey will be analysed by HLB Mann Judd and this collated information will then be used to ensure that the goods offered on the Good360 website are in line with the needs of the NFP sector.

“This is a tremendous opportunity for your NFP to impact on what goods the sector has access to so we encourage you to participate in the survey,” head of Not for Profits at HLB Mann Judd Darryl Swindells said.

All survey participants have a chance to win one of 10 Good360 annual memberships (or a $250 shopping cart credit for existing members).

The survey closes 31 July 2016.


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