Diamond Women Support work to help the wellbeing of vulnerable women during pregnancy and as new parents. They offer counselling and education services for women while supporting them with their short term and long-term needs. Since partnering with Good360 they have been able to provide material aid to their clients as part of their services. Hear more from our recent interview with their CEO and Founder Jenny Gurry.
When did you join Good360 Australia?
We joined Good360 in 2018.
What programs do you use your Good360 donations for? Who does the program serve and how does it impact Australians in need?
We partner with Good360 to provide goods to our clients that help with specific needs at particular times and occasions in their life. The impact for the vulnerable young and pregnant women we see is life changing – they get to feel a sense of dignity and confidence.
What is your favorite moment or interaction that you have had with a client when utilising the Good360 product?
Our favourite moment was the skin and hair care products for Mother’s Day 2 years ago.
With not much to offer our clients on Mother’s Day, Good360 provided the only gift these women were going to receive, and it was given out at a party providing a sense of community, family and fun.
How does Good360 help your mission?
It helps by partnering with us to provide support and care to vulnerable women and families. Personal items help meet the practical needs of our clients and fulfill the client centred holistic part of our services.
What would happen if Good360 wasn’t here to help?
If Good360 wasn’t here, we would be forced to dedicate much of our resources to securing the material assistance needed to meet our client’s practical needs.
What is your favorite donation you have received from Good360? Why?
Kerastase hair products. They actually work and left our clients feeling like they were royalty. It is a prestige product that made them look and feel beautiful.
How many lives have you impacted through Good360’s donations?